Architectural Services
Designing a Building is a Process and an Evolution, which starts with Analysis of the Site Conditions, Code Requirements and Clients Desires and Intents. A variety of initial concept alternatives are developed in a sketch form, out of which a Preliminary Design emerges. Progressively this Design evolves in a more Detailed Design Development and finally into Working Drawings to facilitate Approval and Construction of the Project.
Interior Design Services
The Interior Design of a Building, being a New Building or a Remodel/Addition to an Existing Building is a natural (counterpart) of the Design Process once the Building Design is Complete. The Interior Design Process starts with Analysis of the Building Spaces, Client Desires, Intent and Preferred Style.
A variety of alternatives in sketch form are developed and discussed. Upon Client's approval, the selected alternative is further developed in precise working drawings to include wall elevations, flooring, ceilings, lighting, cabinetry etc. Details follow up with the selection of materials, appliances etc.